International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning (IGUTP) Objects and Transportation 

Transportation-Related Objectives for Local Authorities in IGUTP Section B: Urban and Territorial Planning for Sustainable Development

B1. Planning & Social Development  - Local Authorities

B1-8-(a). (i) A clear, phased and prioritized spatial framework for the provision of basic

services for all; (ii) A strategic guide and physical maps for land, housing development and

transport, with special attention paid to the current and anticipated needs of low-income and socially vulnerable groups.

B1-8-(b). Promote social and spatial integration and inclusion, particularly through improved access to all parts of the city and territory, as every inhabitant (including migrant workers and displaced people) should have the ability to enjoy the city, its socioeconomic opportunities, urban services, and public spaces, and to contribute to its social and cultural life.

B1-8-(c). Provide good quality public spaces, improve and revitalize existing public spaces, such as squares, streets, green areas, and sports complexes, and make them safer, in line with the needs and perspectives of women, men, girls, and boys, and fully accessible to all. It should be taken into account that those places constitute an indispensable platform for vibrant and inclusive city life and are a basis for infrastructure development.

B1-8-(d). Ensure that low-income areas, informal settlements, and slums are upgraded and integrated into the urban fabric with the minimum disruption of livelihoods, displacements, and locations. Affected groups should be compensated at the appropriate level when disruption is unavoidable.

B1-8-(g). Reduce commuting time between living, working, and service areas by promoting mixed land use and safe, comfortable, affordable, and reliable transport systems, and by considering variations in land and housing prices in different locations and the need to promote affordable housing solutions.

B1-8-(k). Encourage cultural activities, both indoor (museums, theaters, cinemas, concert halls, etc.) and outdoor (street arts, musical parades, etc.), recognizing that the development of urban cultures and respect for social diversity are part of social development and important spatial dimensions.

B2. Planning & Economic Growth 

B2-11-(a). Recognize that a major role of urban and territorial planning is to constitute the mandatory basis for efficient trunk infrastructure development, improved mobility, and the promotion of structuring urban nodes.

B2-11-(b). Ensure that urban and territorial planning creates favorable conditions to develop safe and reliable mass transit and freight transport systems while minimizing the use of individual vehicles in order to facilitate urban mobility in an energy-efficient and affordable way.

B2-11-(g). Use urban and territorial planning to secure adequate space for streets, in order to develop a safe, comfortable, and efficient street network, allowing a high degree of connectivity and encouraging non-motorized transport, in order to enhance economic productivity and facilitate local economic development.

B2-11-(h). Use urban and territorial planning to design neighborhoods of adequate density through infill or planned extension strategies to trigger economies of scale, reduce travel needs and the costs of service provision, and enable a cost-effective public transport System.

B3. Planning & Environment - Local Authorities

B3-14-(d). Assess the implications and potential impacts of climate change and prepare for the continuity of key urban functions during disasters or crises;

B3-14-(i). Collaborate with service providers, land developers, and landowners to closely link spatial and sectoral planning and to promote intersectoral coordination and synergies between services such as water, sewerage and sanitation, energy and electricity, telecommunications and transport;

B3-14-(k). Design streets that encourage walking, the use of non-motorized transport and public transport, and plant trees for shade and carbon dioxide absorption.

Connection of IGUPT Objectives and Transportation Best Practice