Module 5

Planning to Cleanup Contamination and Manage Wastes

Author: Timothy D. Van Epp, FAICP, PP, Team Leader, Ukraine Rebuilding Action Group of the International Division of the American Planning Association, and Managing Director of Eurasia Environmental Associates, LLC

Relevant UN Habitat Environmental Recommendations

From Section B3. Planning & Environment - Local Authorities, International Guidelines: Urban and Territorial Planning, 2017

(e) Use urban and territorial planning as an action plan to improve access to water and sanitation services and reduce air pollution and the amount of water wasted.

Relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals

Relevant EU Directive

Associated Environmental Impacts of the War


Meadows, Robert G.  Personal communication on economic and financial analysis of hazardous waste management facility development.  October 2003.

LaGrega, Michael D., Phillip L. Buckingham, and Jeffrey C. Evans.  Hazardous Waste Management, 2nd Edition.  McGraw-Hill, New York, New York, 2001.

Batstone, Roger, James E. Smith Jr., and David Wilson, editors.  The Safe Disposal of Hazardous Wastes; The Special Needs and Problems of Developing Countries.  World Bank Technical Paper Number 93, 3 Volumes.  International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank, Washington, D.C., 1989.

Steiner, Frederick.  The Living Landscape: An Ecological Approach to Landscape Planning.  McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, New York, 1991.  

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Environment Department.  Environmental Assessment Sourcebook, World Bank Technical Paper Number 139, 3 Volumes.  International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank, Washington, D.C., 1991.