Section 1


This section is divided into subsections addressing different concerns related to the war’s impacts on soil and groundwater quality and the consequent need to manage the different waste types generated both directly and as a result of cleanup activities. Moreover, there is a logical order that should be followed in addressing these different concerns:

1. Clearing mines and other dangerous unexploded ordinance (UXOs) must come first to allow for safe assessment and management of the other concerns.

2. Once mines and other UXOs have been cleared, then other land and building contamination types, amounts, hazards, exposures, and risks can be assessed.

3. Once the types, amounts, and extents of the other hazardous contamination have been assessed, then cleanup approaches and associated treatment, storage, and disposal technologies and facilities capacity needs can be identified.

4. Once the hazardous contamination has been addressed, then non-hazardous demolition and construction debris types and volumes, reuse potentials, and circular construction opportunities can be identified and assessed.

5. Once all waste types – from demining, hazardous waste cleanup, and demolition and construction debris collection – have been identified and assessed, then integrated, local (non-hazardous) and/or regional (hazardous) waste management complexes can be planned and developed. These would include materials, supplies equipment storage, and worker housing.