Chapter 7 - Water and Waste Management

Waste Management Case Studies

Beijing Asuwei Landfill Gas to Energy Plant

In May 2007, the Beijing Asuwei landfill methane power plant came online and started producing electricity. The power project is a joint partnership with the Beijing Environment Sanitation   Engineering   Group   Co.,   Ltd and French Environment Co., LTD. The plant fully utilizes landfill gas to generate electricity and does not use any other fuel for electricity generation. In the year 2007 two units, each worth 1,264 KW, were installed with a total installed capacity of 2,528 KW. Its operation has an automated and remote controlling ability. In the past 5 years, the project has generated nearly 200 million kWh.

In the year 2010, the plant purchased two more sets of landfill gas turbines with a total installed capacity of 3,120 kilowatts. With an electricity generating capacity of 46.91 million kWh per year, this is worth electricity consumption for around 40,000 families in Beijing for a year.

The project can greatly reduce the harmful effects of landfill gas on landfill workers, and surrounding residents by eliminating methane gas smoldering, explosions, and resulting landslides, landfill heaps, and other safety hazards. It thus helps provide green energy, with significant environmental and social benefits to the community.

Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio – Team Gemini LLC Bio-Energy Center 

This is a Flagship project to convert Central Ohio’s municipal solid waste into energy and recycled waste streams for commercial, agricultural, and industrial use.

Figure 59: aerial view of Team Gemini LLC Bio-Energy Center

Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio – Green Energy Center (GEC)

Through a public-private partnership in September 2008, the Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio (SWACO) was successful in converting landfill gas to CNG. It has the capacity to turn methane gas into 250,000 GGE of CNG/year. This CNG is enough to power 11 to 15 fleets the size of the Franklin County fleet every year. The project's partnership and use of technology earned it recognition as a 2008 LMOP Project of the Year.