Module 2 

Innovative Strategies for Equitable and Low-Carbon Urban Development and Green Building

Prepared by: Vatsal Bhatt, Ph.D., Member,  International Division of American Planning Association, and Vice President for Cities and Communities of US Green Building Council

Relevant UN Habitat Environmental Recommendations

From Section B3. Planning & Environment - Local Authorities, International Guidelines: Urban and Territorial Planning, 2017

(b) Develop energy-efficient urban forms using renewable energy. Set up and adopt efficient low-carbon urban forms and development patterns as a contribution to improving energy efficiency and increasing the access and use of renewable energy sources.

(g) Preserve and use existing built assets to strengthen social identity when revitalizing areas of decline. Identify and recognize the value of declining built environments with a view to revitalizing them, taking advantage of their assets, and strengthening their social identity.

(j) Promote green buildings. Promote the construction, retrofitting, and management of “green buildings” through incentives and disincentives, and monitor their economic impacts.

Relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals

Relevant EU Directive

Associated Environmental Impacts of the War