Section 4


The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is engaged in a comprehensive set of nationally and regionally implemented projects aimed at addressing various development challenges in Ukraine. The projects, listed in Table 7, cover a range of focus areas, including public-private dialogue, gender-responsive nature-based solutions, sustainable transport, protection of rights for internally displaced persons (IDPs), access to clean energy, and environmental protection in conflict-affected areas.

At the national level, the UNDP is actively working on enhancing public-private dialogue by building the advocacy capacities of Business Member Organizations (BMOs) and fostering cooperation between BMOs and market stakeholders. Additionally, efforts are underway to strengthen the capacities of national and local authorities to integrate gender-responsive nature-based solutions, improve sustainable transport through e-mobility strategies, advocate for policy measures protecting the rights of IDPs, and study industrial energy efficiency in Ukraine.

Regionally, in areas like Volnovaska oblast, the UNDP is focused on strengthening analytical and planning capacities for environmental protection. Practical support is provided to Local Self-Government Bodies (LSGBs) to enhance pollution monitoring, control, and reporting, with an emphasis on promoting Public-Private Partnerships. Furthermore, initiatives are in place to mitigate conflict-related environmental risks by maintaining an inventory of hazardous facilities and fostering cooperation between local authorities and industrial operators.

In the Donetska oblast, the UNDP is conducting social cohesion activities/events, and supporting sustainable and integrated housing solutions for IDPs, returnees, and their communities. This includes mobilizing homeowners to set up associations and strengthening the capacity of women's groups for meaningful participation in local recovery planning.

Overall, these projects are part of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 11 and contribute to SDGs 12.4, 16.6, and 11.7, emphasizing environmental sustainability, gender equality, and inclusive development. The UNDP collaborates with various partners, including the Donetsk and Luhansk Oblast Civil-Military Administrations and the Swedish International Development Agency. The projects have the overarching goal of fostering sustainable development, resilience, and inclusivity in conflict-affected regions of Ukraine.