Chapter 6 - Energy Efficiency and Ecology

Case Studies

Exhaust ethanol demonstration project 

LanzaTech,  Baosteel  Group  Corporation,  and the Chinese  Academy of  Sciences  (CAS)  launched the construction of a plant that will use LanzaTech’s gas fermentation technology for the production of fuel ethanol.   The process will make use of carbon monoxide fumes from the steel production process. This will lead to a 61 percent reduction in emissions and will produce 100,000 gallons of bioethanol.

DataCO2mplete distributed cooling system in French data center applications

In order to meet the growing high-density data center customer needs, Carrier DataCO2mplete  CO2 cooling system, a variable capacity system, meets up to 5kW/m2 heat density requirements. This system can reduce data center cooling running costs by 25%. The use of CO2 as a refrigerant aids in environmental protection. France sets up a data center using a CO2 cooling system, instead of ordinary room precision air conditioning resulting in a total saving of 219,000 kWh annually. The rate of return on investment is less than 2.5 years.