Chapter 2

Smart, Efficient, and Ecological Urban Development

A mixed-use environment creates a sustainable and diverse neighborhood by integrating both residential and commercial uses into one building or neighborhood; they also place a variety of shops, services, and amenities within walking distance of neighborhood residents and each other. This reduces car trips and facilitates walking, which

contributes to health and fitness. A sustainable neighborhood also offers public facilities and services for residents and visitors in various stages of life. These can include schools, libraries, civic buildings, community centers, places of worship, recreation facilities, and community gardens. Amenities like these are critical to meeting a community’s cultural, social, spiritual, and physical needs.

The benefits of compact development over sprawl are clear and well-documented. Compact development creates the underlying foundation for a variety of types of vibrant, healthy, and walkable communities—the types of communities that improve quality of life. Adding to this advantage, compact development is a recognized strategy to reduce public infrastructure costs, protect environmentally sensitive lands, and enable a variety of transportation choices. It also helps protect families from increasing household costs, especially those of transportation and utilities, which are directly tied to the price of fuel and energy.

Figure 13: Efficient Layout – An Example from USGBC – LEED ND

Low-carbon city planning should develop an efficient community layout that places schools, shops, and other services close to homes and businesses, making it easy to get to places without driving and offering attractive bicycle and walking paths. This can greatly reduce vehicle miles traveled and thus offers significant energy savings. Following guidelines will provide effective and efficient urban design.

Figure 14: An Example of Ecological Neighborhood Design