Section 4


A number of key development programs related to SDG 11 were developed in Ukraine to national and regional capacities in Ukraine in the past several years. Table 6 below showcases their respective terms, objectives, and approaches. The U-LEAD Local Empowerment Program, spanning from 2016 to 2023, focuses on decentralization, encompassing pillars such as legal advice, training, and reconstruction. EU4Skills, operating from 2017 to 2023, supports vocational education reform, adapting its objectives to address post-war challenges after 2022.

Initiatives like "Promoting municipalities" and "Integrated Urban Development" aim to strengthen local governance and urban development. Programs like "Promoting Civic Engagement" and "Skills4Recovery" extend their reach beyond capital cities, fostering inclusive development and supporting economic recovery in specific regions. The "Promoting Ukraine’s EU association through Innovation" initiative prioritizes the efficient achievement of EU association goals through local innovation and digital transformation.