Section 3


Ukraine faces spatial planning challenges due to war, institutional divisions, and debates about effective planning tools. Despite the complexity of decision-making in difficult times, there is a need for coherence, adaptability and solutions to problems associated with physical and economic destruction, as well as environmental disaster.

The primary goal is to formulate priority strategies for post-war reconstruction and spatial development of Ukraine, covering its various regions and localities, while adhering to the goals of environmental sustainability and European integration, as well as the protection of cultural heritage. The development of a new comprehensive Building Code is seen as a potential solution to these problems in the future.

Grouping towns is a way of regionalizing, i.e. making a bigger area, thus making the area more amenable to the cost-effectiveness of regional environmental and infrastructure planning. However, Ukraine chose the path of decentralization and thus dismantled rayons, that were basically the amalgamations of towns/cities and counties in between. Now Ukraine has OTG (hromadas) -- 1 city/town or 1-3 rural settlements and territories around them, like American counties.