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Beatley, Timothy, Handbook of Biophilic City Planning and Design, Island Press, 2016.

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Biomimicry Institute, https://biomimicry.org, accessed October 15, 2023.

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Boston Water and Sewer Commission, Boston Green Infrastructure Planning and Design Handbook, https://www.bwsc.org/sites/default/files/2022-08/8.5x11-Green_Infrastructure_Handbook-02-07-2022.pdf. Also, https://www.boston.gov/departments/green-infrastructure. Accessed October 15, 2023.

Building Research & Information Journal, Special Issue on Regenerative Design, 2012.

Churchman, C. West., The Systems Approach, Dell Publishing Company, 1968.

Edmondson, Scott, AICP, Charles Kelley, AIA, LEED BD&C, Regenerative Urbanism – A Synopsis:  Inventing the Platform for Sustainability Success, Ecocity World Summit 2021-22, Feb. 22-24, 2022, Conference Proceedings, pp. 805-818, https://ecocitybuilders.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/EWS-21-22-Proceedings.pdf, accessed October 15, 2023.

Edmondson, Scott, AICP, APA Presentation, 2023, Applying Systems Thinking Yields Regenerative Urbanism - A Platform for Inventing Sustainability Success, APA Sustainable Community Division’s Annual Symposium 2023 – Climate Change, Panel on Applying Systems Thinking, February 23, 2023, Pre-recording and Slide Deck PDF, presentation resource page including link to Symposium recording:  https://www.sustainability2030.com/apa-scd-symposium2023

Edmondson, Scott, AICP, Blog Post: San Francisco – A Partner City — Biophilic Cities, Biophilic Cities Network, Partner City SF, 2013 (describes early outlines of regenerative approach and related SF Projects and Plans), accessed Nov. 12, 2023.

International Living Future Institute (ILFI), Home; Living Community Challenge, Living Building Challenge, accessed October 15, 2023. 

Kashiwa-no-ha Smart City, Japan, Urban Design Center, https://www.kashiwanoha-smartcity.com, accessed October 15, 2023.

Lovins, Amory & Hunter L., Paul Hawken, Natural Capitalism-Creating the Next Industrial Revolution, Little, Brown and Company, 1999, https://www.natcap.org, accessed October 15, 2023.

Mang, Pamela & Bill Reed, Regenerative Development & Design-A Framework for Evolving Sustainability, 2017. 

McDonough, William, Michael Braungart, The Upcycle: Beyond Sustainability—Designing for Abundance, Northpoint Press, 2013 (also: Cradle to Cradle (2002), Net Positive, 2021, City of Tomorrow, 2017). 

Meadows, Donella, Beyond the Limits-Confronting Global Collapse and Envisioning a Sustainable Future, Chelsea Green Publishing, 1992 (also, Thinking in Systems – A Primer, Earthscan, 2008).

Municipal Natural Assets Initiative, https://institute.smartprosperity.ca/content/municipal-natural-assets-initiative (see also OECD Workshop presentation).

OECD, Three-hour Workshop, Scaling Nature-based Solutions (NbS), May 24, 2023, workshop website:  https://www.oecd.org/environment/cc/climate-adaptation/workshoponscaling-uptheimplementationofnature-basedsolutionsforclimate.htm, recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aDgoNTVh24&t=6s 

Passive House

Reed, Bill, 2007, Shifting from ‘sustainability’ to regeneration, Building Research & Information, 35:6, 674-680, DOI: 10.1080/0961321070147575. See https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/09613210701475753

San Francisco Planning Department/International Living Future Institute, Living Community Patterns, Exploratory Strategies for a Sustainable San Francisco, 2015.

San Francisco Planning Department, Regenerative San Francisco: Phase 1 - Explorations and Proposal for Action, April 2018.

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Senge, Peter (et. al), The Necessary Revolution –Working Together to Create a Sustainable World, Penguin, 2008.

Steiner, Frederic, et. al., Nature and Cities—The Ecological Imperative in Urban Design and Planning, 2016. 

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