Module 1
Planning Systems for Hazard Mitigation and Disaster Resilience
Author: Ipshita Karmakar, Master of City Planning, MIT, Fulbright Scholar, Member of International Division of American Planning Association, and Consultant to World Bank
Jim Schwab, FAICP, former Director of the Hazards Center of the American Planning Association, former Chair of the APA Hazard Mitigation and Disaster Recovery Division, and Adjunct Lecturer in the University of Iowa School of Planning and Public Affairs
Sandra Pinel, PhD, AICP, Regional Affairs Specialist, Security Sector Assistance, Office of International Affairs, Department of Homeland Security
Relevant UN Habitat Environmental Recommendations
From Section B3. Planning & Environment - Local Authorities, International Guidelines: Urban and Territorial Planning, 2017
(a) Create climate mitigative, adaptative, and resilient settlement patterns. Formulate urban and territorial plans as a mitigation and adaptation framework in response to climate change and for increasing the resilience of human settlements, especially those located in vulnerable and informal areas.
(c) Relocate high-risk built environments to low-risk areas. Locate essential urban services, infrastructure and residential developments in low-risk areas and resettle, in a participatory and voluntary way people living in high-risk areas to more appropriate locations.
(d) Defensively harden key urban functions to increasingly extreme events and climate conditions. Assess the implications and potential impacts of climate change and prepare for the continuity of key urban functions during disasters or crises.
(i) Integrate sectoral utility services when synergies create higher value. Collaborate with service providers, land developers and landowners to closely link spatial and sectoral planning and to promote intersectoral coordination and synergies between services such as water, sewerage and sanitation, energy and electricity, telecommunications and transport.
Relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals
7 Affordable and clean energy
9 Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
11 Sustainable cities and communities
13 Climate action
15 Life on land
Relevant EU Directive
Climate Change Adaptation
Spatial Planning
Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental Impact Assessment
Associated Environmental Impacts of the War
Increased greenhouse gas emissions from military operations, energy consumption, and deforestation
Increased risk of extreme weather events
Reduced resilience of communities and ecosystems to climate change and other shocks
Increased greenhouse gas emissions from military operations, energy consumption, and deforestation