Chapter 1 - Comprehensive Energy Planning

Recommendations on Comprehensive Low-Carbon Planning for Cities in Ukraine

More Energy Efficient and Renewable Energy Activities are needed to Move towards Sustainable Energy and Low-Carbon Demonstration. 

The following Goals may be narrowed by a detailed consultation with the respective authorities.

Strategies to Reduce Energy Consumption

- reduce energy consumption of municipal operations by xxx% by 2030 and by xxx% by 2050.

- retrofit old-city buildings/facilities for energy efficiency.

- purchase green products for municipal operations xxx% by 2030 and xxx% by 2050.

- use alternative fuel vehicles in the city fleet xxx% by 2030 and xxx% by 2050 (e.g. electric Buses).

Strategies to Reduce Energy Consumption

- Provide incentives to city officials for energy efficiency (Champions Awards to Departments, Zones and Individuals)

- performance-based incentives for buildings and facilities

- provide incentives to new green developments (floor space, development rights, tax incentives, city plaques)

- Training for elected officials, city officials, professionals, etc

- Green workforce training (construction/interiors)