Chapter 4. Renewable Energy Generation and Smart Grid/Interconnections

Implementation Strategies

Policy Theme 4:

Encourage the use of Renewable Energy and Smart Grids

Strategy 1: Estimate current and future needs

Strategy 2: Develop Renewable Energy Resource Evaluations and Maps for the City

Strategy 3: Setting targets for increasing Renewable Energy and Smart Grids Strategy 4: Create financing mechanisms for the deployment of Renewable Energy

Strategy 5: Consumer involvement in the deployment of renewables and development of smart grids

Some of the important aspects of developing renewable energy, identifying and implementing technical solutions, drafting effective local policies, identifying ways to finance sustainable energy projects and capacity building, providing a communication platform for exchanging best practices and finally implementing demo projects that showcase best practices in renewable energy and smart grids. 

Components within a comprehensive strategy include below highlighted detailed segments:

Estimate current and future needs

Work with key urban decision-makers and other stakeholders to estimate current and future energy demands by taking various factors such as demographics, economic growth, and other policies that can alter energy needs (energy efficiency). Such estimates can help plan energy generation projects better. Include energy needs for hot water too and strive to meet all hot water needs (including residential, commercial, institutional, and pre-heating for industrial applications) with solar water heating systems. Solar air heating/cooling and steam systems (solar concentrating systems) may also be used for meeting hot/cold air and steam requirements for drying/cooling and other applications to the extent possible.

Develop Renewable Energy Resource Evaluations and Maps for the City

The very first step to installing renewable energy is to estimate renewable energy potential. An example of such estimation can be seen in New York City's solar map. Such analysis should be extended to other technologies such as wind resource maps and a draft must be created listing the RE potential in the city. The draft can make use of either primary analysis or readily available secondary information.

Setting targets for increasing Renewable Energy and Smart Grids

By juxtaposing current energy needs and renewable energy potential targets must be set for increasing the use of renewable energy in the city. One must strive to obtain 100 percent of future energy from renewable energy. The targets should be classified as short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals. Targets must also be developed to encourage the use of smart grids in the city. Provide at least 50% electricity from renewable energy sources and the rest of the electricity from renewable power purchase contracts from elsewhere in the city, with a plan outlining the provision of 100% in-city renewable power within 10 years.


Create financing mechanisms for the deployment of Renewable Energy

Financing plays a big role in ensuring that Renewable energy projects are widely adopted. Develop effective policies and strategies to reduce the cost of Renewable energy to consumers. These include giving incentives, low-interest loans, etc.

Consumer involvement in the deployment of renewables and development of smart grids

Use consumer inputs to create strategies to reduce base and peak energy usage using smart grids. This includes understanding their energy needs and priorities. Such involvement can play a big role in increasing the acceptance of newer technologies such as smart grids.